About Children's Palliative Care


The term “Palliative care” is derived from the Latin palliare, [to cloak] and refers to an approach to medical care which is focused on reducing the severity of distressing symptoms rather than striving to cure, halt or reverse the progression of a disease.

WHO Defines palliative care for children as a special, albeit closely related field to adult palliative care which includes the active, total care of the child’s body, mind and spirit, and also involves giving support to the family. It begins when illness is diagnosed, and continues regardless of whether or not a child receives treatment directed at the disease.

Donate to Children's Palliative Care


Donate to help children with life limiting and life threatening illnesses in Malawi so that their quality of life improves.

You can donate to the service sites or to PACAM and your help will reach the children who need it.


Donors & Partners

Children palliative care scale up project is sponsored by DFID through Help the Hospices UK. It is under PACAM and works in close collaboration with the ministry of health, ministry of gender, youth and community development, Office of president and cabinet, and works in partnership with other stakeholders which are working with children such as FHI, UNICEF,NAPHAM, Umodzi children’s clinic, Tiyanjane clinic ,Ndimoyo clinic among others.

Contact Us


Mr Lameck Thambo

National coordinator



Glenda Winga

Operations Manager




Jean Tauzie

CPC project leader

Cell +265 888 862 332/ +265 1 737 754

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