- Palliative care (PC) training manual for health professionals developed including children palliative care training curriculum.
- Palliative Care trainers manual developed.
- Palliative Care Training manual for Community Volunteers.
- Palliative Care module to be used in the integration of Palliative care into nursing and medical pre curriculum.
- Over 1000 Health Professional trained as palliative care providers
- 100 Clinicians and nurses, trained as Palliative Care trainers.
- 13 people trained as Palliative Care Master Trainers.
- Over 2000 Community Home Based care (CHBC) volunteers trained in Palliative Care.
- PACAM accredited by Medical and Nurses council to offer Continuing Professional development (CPD) to medical and nursing practioners.
- 20 health professionals have post graduate Diploma, 8 have BSc degree and others on the course with Makerere university in Uganda. Palliative care is integrated into Medical and Nursing curriculum.
- Palliative included in policies such as HIV/AIDS. HBC, ART
- National palliative care guidelines developed
- Palliative Care National policy developed.
- MoH has a desk officer for palliative care.
- 50 Hospital have integrated palliative care.
- Over 5000 sensitized in Palliative Care.
- Over 5000 people have been sensitised on pc.
- 50 hospitals have integrated palliative
- Drug task force formed in operational.
- Most Opioids are available.
- Formal courses on pain management using Opioids established.
- The following Morphine is available in most of hospitals